
Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Motorcycle Touring Day 3 - Tamworth to ?

An old weathered tree trunk on top of the mountain

While on the farm at Tamworth we heard news reports about flooding South of Bourke and in North Western NSW. The road from Broken Hill to Adelaide was already cut which required a detour via Wentworth. The distances between towns are also much greater and if we had to turn around because of flooding we might be hard pressed to cover the distances with our fuel reserves. There were quite a few unknowns so in the end we decided we would now head back south down the coast with the final destination being the Great Ocean Road in Victoria.

One of the farm dams
The Dunny

Day 3 ended up being a 450km ride back to Sydney which seemed sad in away but we new the trip wasn’t over. This was our first long tour and knew the route would change depending on circumstances.

The wind Generator
Rusting Thunderbird

We spent till midday viewing the property. We drove up to the highest area to survey the surrounding hills and countryside landscapes. The views were encompassing and majestic. The property is about 1500acres of bush and cleared areas of grazing land. They have sheep and a few Alpacas protecting them and the lambs from predators like foxes. The caravans are powered from solar and wind charging a bank of batteries. The seclusion of the property provides a peaceful and a real back to nature feeling. I loved it.


 We left the farm at about 1pm, luckily the wind over night had dried out the driveway and was now slightly easier to navigate. We took the New England Highway down through Scone, Muswellbrook, and Singleton. Just outside Scone I got a flat on the front. I ran over a nail somewhere through town, most likely at the servo filling up. The puncture repair kit we brought was certainly getting a work on this trip and we hadn’t don’t 1000km yet ! We then navigated across to Broke, Wollombi and then Sydney.  We arrived back at 8pm. I was glad to be heading to a comfy and warm bed for the night after a long cold ride.

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